When I finally met a certain Trad who wields a particularly poisonous pen against Pope Francis I am sure my presence at a Traditional Latin liturgy took him aback. I was veiled and modestly dressed, prayed from a 1962 Missal from Baronius Press, and knew the postures and responses without even having to look at the Ordinary of the Missal.
He probably would have dropped his jaw on the floor had I told him I refrain from eating meat on any Friday that doesn't fall during an Octave, pray the Rosary nearly without fail, and confess as frequently as once a week. I prefer the Douay-Rheims Bible. I'm not bragging. I'm just saying you can't judge a book by its cover, and in this case, the cover would be the fact that I support whoever the Pope is, I attend the Ordinary Form and, perhaps most offensive of all, I refused to vote for Donald Trump and pulled the lever for Joe Biden.
The cover is also the mask on my face, which few if any others wore at this particular Mass, and the vaccine card I proudly flash letting folks know I care enough my own health and theirs to have been fully vaccinated.
I actually don't worry about my cred with this gang. It doesn't matter anymore as it shamefully once did. I have an Audience of One, and what I do is for Him alone. There is a lot of clanging of empty vessels. There is doubt and uncertainty. There is suspicion and a lack of trust. There is noise and contradiction and confusion. But let it never extend to our reliance on the Lamb alone.
Jesus Christ the Same: Yesterday, Today and Forever.
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