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The Mothers of Holy Saturday

As you go about your Easter Sunday festivities, spare a prayer and a thought for the women of Holy Saturday, those for whom the wait for a child to reappear is, or seems like it's in perpetuity.  There are mothers who are waiting for word on their children,  presumed to be held hostage in Gaza but not really knowing whether they are dead or alive.    There are mothers who have been separated from their children and don't know if their bodies are lying undiscovered beneath the rubble of Israel's bombs or may have safely made it to another country.  The mothers of Argentina still wait, decades later, for their children who seemingly vanished simply for having the courage to voice their opposition to a murderous regime.   There are other mothers who don't get much sympathy (nor do they ask) for their children whose whereabouts are unknown.  I know, because I was once one of them and by God's love and mercy have I been spared what so many are still li...
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Bright Torches

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Christ is at the door, with a quart of Budweiser?

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Not to Be

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My Cred and An Audience of One

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The Way We Treat the Least Desirable Among Us

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