Perhaps at no time was the chasm between me and the conservative leaning Catholic community deeper than during the run-up to the 2008 election. To listen to some people, Barack Obama was a demon who escaped Hell and if elected, would be the catalyst for the Apocalypse. The hot mic moment when he was caught lamenting those clinging to guns and God might have sent his opponents into a tailspin, but he actually echoed the sentiments of many Catholics and Christians who believed that faith was more than fervently praying the Rosary in Latin and applying the discipline to one's self. The dreaded "social justice Catholics" of which I was a lifelong member, were something to be exorcised in the effort to have a "smaller, more pure Church." Now, while Jesus never said "go and sin some more" He was very clear that He didn't come to call the righteous. "Those who are well do not need a physician, but those who are sick." Also, there is nothing ...